D scan

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Revision as of 11:57, 7 March 2016 by Richard Smith (talk | contribs)

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this is a page to list feature requests, bugs and give usage examples for d_scan.

Feature requests

  • check if files exist - request permission to overwrite, action option to turn off checking
  • save option to force saving in actions for live data plotting options for long scans
  • general scan option, with hardware type select
  • scope to switch to summed mode if averaging is on, then switch back to continuous at end.

Completed tasks

  • save scope mode (seg, RT etc) and number of avgs, number of segs to scope meta data file


Action options / examples

     action webcam 
         camera 1              //camera ID no
         resolution 1280 720   // resolution to open camera with
         grab                  // saves a frame from the camera
         display               // displays a frame from the camera 
     action scope 
         channels F1,F3       // use name of channel you want separated by commas
         ip     // IP address of scope
     action a2d 
         channel 0           // channel to grab
         range 2             // this is card specific voltage range use comedi test to find ranges ./usr/bin/comedi_test
         n_samples 1         // samples to grab
     action mirror_pbp       // mirror scan point by point
         axis 0 -1 1 .1      // axis number, start, stop, increment
         tell_pos 2          // report position