Optics and photonics

Welcome to the Optics and Photonics Group internal website, the external website can be found here: Optics & Photonics. The research group is a world leader in the application of optical, ultrasonic and instrumentation engineering, conducting multi-disciplinary research spanning physical scales from the sub-molecular to the largest structures in the solar system. The group host two platform grants in bioimaging and advanced ultrasonics. Research falls into four broad areas, with much interdisciplinary work across the group:
- Nano-optics and photonics
- Cell optics
- Materials and NDT/E
- Healthcare optics
The group’s extensive facilities – which include three state-of-the-art optics laboratories, a wide range of electronic and VLSI design facilities, and the Space Integrated Optical Sensors (SIOS) laboratory – provide an exceptional environment for developing innovative technologies.
Optics and Photonics Group Research Portfolio September 2016 (PDF).
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