Personal Pages

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Optics & Photonics Personnel Personal Pages

Optics and Photonics Academics, Fellows and Technicians
Name Location Phone Email (
Amanda Wright - - ezzaw
Barrie Hayes-Gill - - eezbrh
Eric Larkins - - eezecl
George Gordon - - ezzgsg
Kevin Webb - - eezkfw
Matt Clark - - eezmatt
Mel Mather - - ezzmlm
Mike Somekh - - ezzmgs
Ricardo Correia - - ezzrnc
Richard Smith - - eezrjs
Rikesh Patel - - ezzrrp
Samuel Powell - - ezzsp7
Serhiy Korposh - - ezzsk2
Steve Morgan - - eezspm
Steve Bull - - eezsb2
Fernando Perez Cota - - ezzfp
Mitch Kenny - - ezzmgk
Sidahmed Abayzeed - - pazsaa
Kerry Setchfield - - plzks1
Peter J. Christopher A52 Coates (+44) 7794 068 258 exxpjc1
Optics and Photonics Researchers and Visitors
Name Location Phone Email (
Emilia Moradi - - ezaem6
Flavius Pascut - - ezafp2
Valentin Radu - - ezzvr1
Wenqi Li - - ezzwl
Anna Kotowska - - ezzamk
Ashley Tyler - - ezzajt
Chenyang He - - ezzch3
Chong Liu - - ezzcl1
David Gomez - - ezzdg3
Fei He - - ezzfh2
LiangLiang Liu - - ezzll1
Rafael Fuentes - - ezzrf1
Salvatore La Cavera III - - ezasl14
Sandor Erdody - - ezzse
Shalini Menon - - ezzsm11
Stuart Murray - - ezzscm
Tania Mendonca - - ezztvm
Yu Zhang - - ezzyz3
Francisco Hernandez - - ezafh3
Sun Shen - - ezass26
Optics and Photonics Students
Name Location Phone Email (
Bartlomiej Makowski L4 Laboratories N/A ezxbm1
Olaosebikan Olabomi - - eexoo39
James Bradbury - - eexjb6
Nadia Afroze - - eexna32
Thomas Bateman-Price - - eextb5
Nat Limweshasin - - ezxnl3
Yasmine Saoud - - ezxys2
William Hardiman - - ppxwh2
Jane Crowley - - ezxjc5
Mengting Yao - - eeymy
Simon Stockwell - - ppyss7
Brett Gadsby - - ppybjg
James Ell - - ezxje1
Jedidiah Paterson - - eeyjqp
Peizhou Wu - - ezxpw2
Bradley Finn - - pcybf1
Carl Campugan - - ezxcc8
Amy Zheng - - msxaz5
Oscar Barajas - - ezxob1
Finlay Nelson - - ezxfn1
Tamaralayefa Agbiki - - ezxta5
Basem Basunaid - - ezxbb2
Adam Garon - - eeyavg
Suvvi Swamy - - eexsk25
Itzel Castro - - ezxiaav
Alice Crossland - - eeyarcr
George Wadsworth Life Sciences Link Building/BDI 3 - mbygiw
Ewan Drever-Smith Life Sciences Link Building, A12 - eeyerd
Previous Optics & Photonics Staff Members
Name Location
Valerie Pinfield now works at Loughborough University
Teti Stratoudaki now works at University of Strathclyde
Steve Sharples now an electrician (Dovecote Electrical). UoN Associate, retains links with this research group
Paul Dryburgh now works at King's College London. UoN Associate, retains links with this research group
Don Pieris now works at University of Strathclyde
Leo Marques
Samuel Osei Achamfuo-Yeboah
Meisam Askari
Qimei Zhang
Jiri Hromadka
Roger Light on extended leave
Francisco Ulises Hernandez Ledezma
Chung See retired
Siavash Mirahmadizoghi
Anas Helal
Batiste Jayet
Tiva Eftekhar Khansari