Preparing an OPG Seminar

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Lead up:

  • ASAP: arrange a speaker (yourself, your PhD student/PDRA, external visitor)
    • arrange itinerary for your external visitor
  • ASAP: claim an available slot on the Seminars wiki page by inputting the relevant information to the schedule
    • e.g., current schedule is here: Seminars 2024-2025
    • freedom to choose day or time as long as it does not clash with another talk (coordinate a day/time where you'll get a good turnout!)
    • unless unavoidable (e.g., visitor), select a week without a talk
    • ask for help with this if needed (e.g., Sal/Rikesh)
  • 1.5 weeks prior: prepare the abstract (Template)
  • Before talk: fill in external speaker form if necessary (Click here)
  • Before talk: if you would like to give the external speaker a small tour of some optics labs, ask/liaise with appropriate researchers

Day of:

  • Show up 5-10 minutes before slot and prepare the monitor/microphone/laser pointer/props/etc
  • Give intro for your student/PDRA/external speaker, or if giving the talk yourself arrange for a colleague to give intro